Spring has Sprung

Saturday was the first day of spring and R&J Batteries was run off their feet handling enquires and sales of batteries for mowers, boats and motorbikes. With the warmer weather now on its way, don’t leave it to the last minute to check that old boat, motorbike or mower still starts after sitting in the shed for the long cold winter.
Blow the cobwebs off and try giving it a start. If the battery is flat, drop into your nearest R&J store or distributor to get your old battery checked. Batteries sitting around not in use will self-discharge meaning the battery in your old favourite may not have enough grunt left to get it started. Unfortunately in some cases a chemical process called Sulphation may also mean the battery is now past is usable best. Drop into your nearest R&J store or distributor and we’ll check out the battery and get you going again.
Also remember that aside from regular use, the best way to keep you battery in tip top condition is to hook it up to a trickle or maintenance charger. R&J Batteries stock a comprehensive range of chargers so to learn more drop in and have a chat with our friendly staff.